Getting errors with Premium Proxies and JS Render enabled? Try these and see if you can unblock those requests.

  1. Add geotargeting by choosing a Country for the proxy, for example, proxy_country=us. Many sites respond better to proxies close to their operation centers.
  2. Use Wait For Selector for the scraper to look for some content you want and then return it. The system will work differently with or without that feature. In some cases, you can take advantage of that.
  3. Change default Block Resources. ZenRows will block certain resources by default, such as CSS or images, to speed up your scraping. Navigate with your browser’s DevTools open and check if you should block other resources such as media or xhr (block_resources=stylesheet,image,media,xhr). Or you can disable blocking by setting it to false (block_resources=none).

Any of this, or a combination of them, might give you the expected results.

For high-securitized endpoints or inner pages, you might need to obtain session cookies first from an “easier” page and then go to your target using those cookies. That would imitate a user’s behavior. You can also include Session ID to show the same IP to the target for up to 10 minutes.