How to bypass CAPTCHAs?
ZenRows is designed to bypass most modern antibot solutions out-of-the-box. We continuously test our service to ensure optimal performance.
Handling CAPTCHAs depends on the type of CAPTCHA and the ZenRows product you’re using.
Handling CAPTCHAs on Forms
CAPTCHAs on forms are not solved automatically. If you need to submit forms that trigger a CAPTCHA, we offer an integration with a CAPTCHA solver that might work for your use case. Learn more about it here: Using JavaScript Instructions to Solve CAPTCHAs
CAPTCHA Handling by Product
Each ZenRows product has its own approach to handling CAPTCHAs, depending on the level of antibot protection in place. While some products automatically bypass CAPTCHAs in most cases, others may require additional configurations or external solvers. Below, we outline how each product deals with CAPTCHAs and what you can do to improve your success rate.
Universal Scraper API
- Uses Premium Proxies and JS Render to bypass most antibot measures.
- If a CAPTCHA appears, you can use JavaScript Instructions to interact with the page and solve it manually or through an external CAPTCHA-solving service.
Scraper APIs
- Fully managed solution—our API automatically handles the antibot protections, including CAPTCHA challenges.
Residential Proxies
- Residential Proxies provide anonymity but do not bypass CAPTCHAs automatically.
- If CAPTCHA protection is strict, you’ll need custom handling or an external solver.
Scraping Browser
- Uses the same bypassing techniques as the Universal Scraper API.
- Can handle most antibot solutions, but does not solve CAPTCHAs by default.
- If a CAPTCHA is encountered, it requires custom handling, such as integrating a CAPTCHA solver.
By choosing the right ZenRows product and implementing the appropriate CAPTCHA-handling techniques, you can minimize interruptions and improve your scraping success rate. If you need assistance with a specific case, feel free to contact our support team.
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